Vaginal secretions collection kits

3 companies | 6 products
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laboratory collection kit
laboratory collection kit

Coari is a device for self-collection of vaginal cellular material to perform the DNA-HPV (Human Papillomavirus) test.

oral fluid collection kit
oral fluid collection kit

Set for collecting, storing and transporting biological samples from the anal, vaginal, oral, nasal and skin regions for molecular tests. The set contains 01 swab, 01 cervical school with protected ready and 01 tube with ...

biological sampling kit
biological sampling kit
V-VEIL UP2™ 1.1

The V-VEIL UP2™ Vaginal Collector Kit1.1 is used to collect secretions, various fluids and substances that are in the vaginal cavity and cervix for diagnostic laboratory ...

laboratory sampling kit
laboratory sampling kit
V-VEIL UP2™ 2.1

The V-VEIL UP2™ Kit 2.1 is used to collect secretions, various fluids and substances that are in the vaginal cavity and cervix for diagnostic laboratory testing. KIT ...

laboratory sampling kit
laboratory sampling kit
V-VEIL UP2™ 3.1

The V-VEIL UP2™ Kit 3.1 is used to collect secretions, various fluids and substances that are in the vaginal cavity and cervix for diagnostic laboratory testing. KIT ...

cervical secretion collection kit
cervical secretion collection kit

25 bags; 50 bags. Storage at 2 ~ 30℃,validity for 12 months. (1) Transport medium: It is made of the sample diluent (culture fluid) storage tube, adapter 1, sampling swab, sample processing tube, adapter 2 and tail sleeve (2) ...

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