Ventilators with cough stimulator

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4 companies | 4 products
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intensive care ventilator
intensive care ventilator

Tidal volume: 20 ml - 2,000 ml

PG VENT is a high-performance intensive care ventilator, with internal turbine operation. The device is able to perform different types of invasive and non-invasive ventilation. PG VENT is equipped with an 18-inch LCD ...

resuscitation ventilator
resuscitation ventilator
CAP 700

... is a lung Ventilator at positive and negative pressure and cough stimulator. CAP 700 stimulates the cough act and help the patient to expectorate the bronchial secretions ...

emergency ventilator
emergency ventilator

Built for transport and operated via a user-friendly interface, the Ventway Sparrow is the perfect solution for administering quick and efficient ventilation (invasive and non-invasive). It allows for smooth transitions from the point ...

intensive care ventilator
intensive care ventilator

... seamless compatibility with ventilators. Features of the bionic cough simulator include avoidance of injury, more effective sputum drainage, and automated operation. Coughing is a protective respiratory ...

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