Veterinary orthopedic screwdrivers

4 companies | 4 products
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veterinary orthopedic screwdriver
veterinary orthopedic screwdriver

... To 4.5mm Shank Type: AO, Straight We can customize any size and type just according to your specific requirement. The Orthopedic drill bits are made of high quality 316L stainless steel. Coming in a large variety ...

veterinary orthopedic screwdriver
veterinary orthopedic screwdriver
9004250 Series

Available in 3 sizes These high quality complete soft grip HEX screwdrivers work in conjunction with all screws that have a recessed hexagonal head. Available in three sizes: 1.5mm, 2.5mm and 3.5mm, they cover the ...

veterinary orthopedic screwdriver
veterinary orthopedic screwdriver

The hexagonal screwdriver has a hollow handle for lightness. Used for cage distraction. Diameter: 3,5 mm.

veterinary orthopedic screwdriver
veterinary orthopedic screwdriver

2 mm Hex Screwdriver Hex Screwdriver 2mm

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