Veterinary POC analyzers

12 companies | 16 products
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CLIA POC analyzer
CLIA POC analyzer
iTuBe 3000

Convincing performance Time to first result within 18 minutes Acridinium Ester Chemiluminescence Technology Highest accuracy and precision Lepu Fully Automated CLIA workstation iTUbe 3000 Convincing performance Time to first result ...

chemiluminescence POC reader
chemiluminescence POC reader

Measurement of a range of major acute phase inflammatory protein markers in animal blood Lightweight, portable and convenient POC device delivering results when and where they are required Eliminate ...

fluorescence immunoassay POC analyzer
fluorescence immunoassay POC analyzer

ALPHATEC COLOSSO® 100 VET, is the result of development and innovation in immunology, compact, portable, has an Intuitive Software, easy to use, with color touch screen. ALPHATEC COLOSSO® 100 VET, obtains the results in 3 steps: Obtain ...

immunochromatographic POC reader
immunochromatographic POC reader

... ease of use, versatility, and advanced technology, making it suitable for various diagnostic applications in medical and veterinary fields.

chemiluminescence immunoassay POC analyzer
chemiluminescence immunoassay POC analyzer

Veterinary Homogeneous Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer, based on Chemiluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (CRET) principle, a new chapter in dry chemiluminescence with "rapid, accurate, compact ...

chemiluminescence immunoassay POC analyzer
chemiluminescence immunoassay POC analyzer

... manufacturer of Dry Micro Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer, this C5000 analyzer display results in 5 mins, and have compact and lightweight design. Dry micro Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer No ...

fluorescence immunoassay POC analyzer
fluorescence immunoassay POC analyzer

一.Instrument introduction 1. Simple operation, plug in the card and use 2. Various functions, self-contained detection and incubation function, built-in barcode identification function and data printing function. 3. Support multiple ...

fluorescence immunoassay POC analyzer
fluorescence immunoassay POC analyzer

一.Instrument introduction 1. Simple operation, plug in the card and use 2. Various functions, self-contained detection and incubation function, built-in barcode identification function and data printing function. 3. Support multiple ...

fluorescence immunoassay POC analyzer
fluorescence immunoassay POC analyzer

一.Instrument introduction 1. Simple operation, plug in the card and use 2. Various functions, self-contained detection and incubation function, built-in barcode identification function and data printing function. 3. Support multiple ...

automated POC analyzer
automated POC analyzer
Stat Profile Prime® VET

Introducing a new generation veterinary critical care analyzer that combines the revolutionary micro-electronics of the consumer world with Nova Biomedical’s innovative MicroSensor Card™ for a simple, ...

fluorescence immunoassay POCT analyzer
fluorescence immunoassay POCT analyzer
Getein 1160

... multi-channel POCT analyzer that aids in the detection for cardiac, inflammation, parasite prevention, infectious disease, etc. in canines and felines. Features Getein 1160 Vet is a compact, rapid, ...

veterinary POC analyzer
veterinary POC analyzer
qLabs® QV-3 Plus

Reliable laboratory results in 3 ~7 minutes for PT and aPTT 10 ~ 20 μL of fresh venous whole blood or citrate whole blood PT range: 5 ~ 75 seconds aPTT range: 6.5 ~ 500 seconds INTENDED USE The qLabs® Vet system, which ...

lateral flow POC reader
lateral flow POC reader

The RDS-2500 reader is the ideal rugged portable instrument for rapid laboratory and field-based testing of lateral flow test strips and cassettes. The fully quantitative reader features a highly customizable cartridge port and detection ...

coagulation POC analyzer
coagulation POC analyzer
Coag VET

Screening PT test for professional user Blood sampling from the buccal mucosa System elements: Coag VET POC instrument Specialized pipette for precise sampling and reagent dispensing Measuring cuvette Diluent ...

See the other products
Diagon Ltd.
colorimetric POCT analyzer
colorimetric POCT analyzer

VP20 chemistry analyzer is portable, only needs a small space to store. The‘all-in-one-solution’ system is easy to operate. And solutions are tailored to veterinarians’ needs. Also, different test panels can be chosen ...

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