Wall-mounted radiation shielding curtains

3 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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X-ray radiation shielding curtain
X-ray radiation shielding curtain

Convenient and secure storage locations for Kenex radiation shields. Description This wall rack set includes two wall racks, one for a lower body radiation shield ...

X-ray radiation shielding curtain
X-ray radiation shielding curtain

... locations for removable Kenex top shields. Description Wall rack for removable top shields (312/W-TOP) Providing a secure storage location for the removable upper tops used on Kenex lower body radiation ...

X-ray radiation shielding curtain
X-ray radiation shielding curtain

... storage location for a Kenex lower body radiation shield. Description Wall rack for lower body shielding (312/W-LB) This wall rack for table shielding ...

X-ray radiation shielding curtain
X-ray radiation shielding curtain
P series

... protect windows, door and walls. runner for revolving curtain. The set is fixed to wall with a special bracket. runner for the surgical table – runners fixed with universal hardware ...

X-ray radiation shielding curtain
X-ray radiation shielding curtain

... with you to make sure your radiation protection curtains arrive exactly how you want them, and as quickly as possible. Each curtain includes one grommet hole every six inches with ...

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