Water-based dental materials

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4 companies | 4 products
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resin dental material
resin dental material
IMPRIMO® Model Separator

Water-based, blue transparent gel for insulation when fabricating removable orthodontic appliances on 3D printed models. Optimal insulating effect using IMPRIMO® LC resins and STEADY-RESIN autopolymerisates. ...

resin dental material
resin dental material

Flexural strength: 65.7 MPa

... fluid resin with low shrinkage values for highly stable printed results, which can be cleaned with water in an ultrasonic bath. Not approved for intraoral use. Indications: Production ...

water-based dental material
water-based dental material

ISOPRINT is a water-based, alcohol-free isolator intended for the isolation of SLA/DLP 3D-printed models when applying cold polymerising acrylic materials. It provides good insulation ...

root canal treatment dental material
root canal treatment dental material

A water-soluble gel base designed for chemical and mechanical cleansing of root canal preparation. Gel formulation comprising 17%~22% EDTA and 5%~12% urea peroxide, offering lubricating properties and water ...

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