Wheelchair non-slip mats

2 companies | 3 products
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wheelchair non-slip mat
wheelchair non-slip mat

... absorption and hygiene. The purpose is to protect from moisture and stains in people with urinary incontinence. RAINCOAT ANTI-SLIP SANITARY ABSORBENT WASHABLE DA NO HEAT NOT WRINKLE Mite The soaker, in its ...

wheelchair non-slip mat
wheelchair non-slip mat
ABSOR Ref. 49370

... absorption and hygiene. The purpose is to protect from moisture and stains in people with urinary incontinence. RAINCOAT ANTI-SLIP SANITARY ABSORBENT WASHABLE DA NO HEAT NOT WRINKLE Mite The swab, as 1ª layer ...

wheelchair non-slip mat
wheelchair non-slip mat

... Great for use on chairs, care chairs, wheelchairs, in bed, office chairs etc. - Allows for easy sliding in one direction, sliding in the other direction is prevented - Not for restless patients - The Anti-Slide-Mat ...

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