Wire-cutting scissors

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wire-cutting scissors
wire-cutting scissors

The PM-CARE® EASYCUT string scissors are used for cutting strings when inserting an intrauterine device. The practitioner can choose to use a pair of lateral or distal string scissors ...

dental scissors
dental scissors

Premium quality - premium function for orthodontics. Made in Germany. Long service life. Suitable set of pliers for each area of application. 10-year warranty*.

wire-cutting scissors
wire-cutting scissors

Disposable long suture scissors with 25 cm Littauer blades are sterile and designed to cut IUD threads after IUD insertion. Ships in boxes of 25 units with each individually wrapped.

wire-cutting scissors
wire-cutting scissors
JHY-FG series

Endoscopic Scissors (Zhang's scissors) are a used to cut a variety of pipe including nasal bile drainage tube, plastic stent, including the special shear device under endoscope. Its clinical use is extensive, ...

wire-cutting scissors
wire-cutting scissors

Improved Scissors enable the cutting of a wide variety of wire Used in jaw fixation Allows patients or relatives to cut the wire if any vomiting or choking are ...

dental surgery scissors
dental surgery scissors

KELLY DELICATE SCISSOR CURVED 120 MM Request Quote Brand: nsi dental Product Code: 1204-2024 Dental Kelly Angled Scissors Sharp Point Ring Handle Stainless Steel Surgical Instruments Kelly One Side ...

See the other products
New Surgical Instruments Co.
wire-cutting scissors
wire-cutting scissors

multifunctional wire-scissors size : L=155mm, cut steel wires that are not beyond O 0.8mm

wire-cutting scissors
wire-cutting scissors

AN the necessary instruments to address surgical procédures on the forehead and orbital area. SMITH Wire cutting scissor with TC 16 cm. Straight.

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