disposable needle in excellent quality in the style of Japanese acupuncture needles with plastic handle. The ergonomic non-slip plastic handle is easy to handle and impresses with colour coding for each needle length. One acupuncture needle per blister chamber, without guide tube for quick and easy removal.
MOXOM Silk acupuncture needles with plastic handle are available as standard in packs of 100. They are coated with medical silicone at the tip (siliconised).
All the advantages of the MOXOM Silk acupuncture needle:
Anti-slip plastic handle ergonomically shaped
colour coding according to needle diameter
Siliconisation for optimised, gentle insertion behaviour
Without guide tube
Made of German steel
Excellent price-performance ratio
Applications of the MOXOM Silk acupuncture needle:
As this disposable needle is sold with a plastic handle and without a guide tube, it is ideally suited for ear acupuncture and for body acupuncture as well as dry needling.
Benefits of the siliconised needle tip:
The needle tip coated with medical grade silicone allows the therapist to make a precise puncture and reduces pain for the patient when puncturing. It helps the patient to relax during the acupuncture treatment.