The silicone coated version of the acupuncture needle MOXOM TCM is a single use needle that offers excellent value for money. MOXOM TCM is a disposable acupuncture needle following the traditional Chinese style with a copper spring handle and a silicone coated needle made of German stainless steel.
The single use acupuncture needle MOXOM TCM with item number 1022094 has a needle diameter and length (without handle) of 0,16 x 13 mm and is shipped without a guide tube.
Each needle is sterilized with EO gas and packed in an individual, easy to open blister chamber. Each box contains 100 single use TCM acupuncture needles, larger value packs are also available. Please scroll down to see an overview of all available types, versions and sizes of the MOXOM TCM and other MOXOM acupuncture needles or download the product flyer here.
At a glance: the benefits of MOXOM TCM acupuncture needles:
Copper spring handle
Single use needle made of high quality German stainless steel
Silicone coated
Diameter and length of 0,16 x 13 mm
Without guide tube
Sterilized with EO gas
CE certified
Brand: MOXOM acupuncture needles
Great price point
How are the MOXOM TCM acupuncture needles packed?
The standard box contains 100 single use needles. Each needle is sterilized and packed in a single blister chamber. The blister has a paper back that is easy to peel off so you can quickly remove the needle and use it. The blister packaging of the acupuncture needles offers the additional benefit of the patient being able to see that you are using new needles directly from the manufacturers