The acupuncture needles MOXOM Steel are Japanese style disposable needles with excellent quality. Not only the spiral handle, but also the needle itself are completely made of German steel and ensure safe and comfortable handling. For each blister chamber you will find an acupuncture needle with guide tube for quick and easy removal in a 5-pc blister. The guide tube is connected to the acupuncture needle by a colored plastic plate (color depends on the needle diameter) on the handle. The color coding helps in the easy identification and selection or the correct acupuncture needle during the treatment.
MOXOM Steel acupuncture needles are made of German steel with a coiled handle and are available as standard packs of 100 pieces in each package. They are silicone coated (siliconized) at the needle tip.
All advantages of the MOXOM Steel acupuncture needle at a glance:
Steel spiral handle
Acupuncture needle completely made of German steel
Size (diameter x length) 0.20 x 15 mm
Siliconized for optimized, smooth insertion
With guide tube
Suitable for moxibustion
Excellent performance and quality for at an affordable price
Applications of the MOXOM Steel acupuncture needle 0.20 x 15 mm:
This all-metal needle is ideally suitable for ear acupuncture and body acupuncture. It is especially recommended for electrostimulation, moxibustion and dry needling.
Acupuncture needles with siliconized needle point:
The needle point is coated with medical silicone, which allows the therapist a precise insertion and can thus contribute to a less painful acupuncture.