Large-scale sensing Microelectrode Array platformfor label-free in-vitro electrophysiology
BioCam X is the most advanced MEA platform for in-vitro electrophysiology.
4096 electrodes sampled at 18kHz to boost your research and to image neuronal network complexity.
Small footprint, large yields
We have combined high technology, materials and functional design to achieve an outstanding compact device that has no parallel in the market.
4096 recording electrodes, sampled simultaneously at 18kHz, provide orders of magnitude more data points compared to conventional passive Multielectrode Arrays (MEAs),
thus leading to the recording, over a large bandwidth, of electrophysiological signals ranging from slow large-population field potentials to fast single-cell spiking activity.
BioCAM X platform delivers unique insights into several in-vitro electrophysiological models, such as neuronal cell cultures, brain slices, retina preparations and cardiac cultures.