Research laboratories require maximum image quality (with low bleaching and phototoxicity) at a considerable scanning speed. While competitive technologies have not been able to deliver this, PANNORAMIC Confocal from 3DHISTECH offers fast and high-quality confocal scanning for molecular pathology applications by combining confocal imaging with award-winning whole-slide scanning technology.
Thanks to its innovative imaging technology, PANNORAMIC Confocal offers brightfield and fluorescence confocal scanning in unprecedented quality and speed for molecular pathology applications at low running costs, contributing to increased productivity for research laboratories.
Key Features
Innovative imaging technology
PANNORAMIC Confocal uses innovative structured illumination confocal imaging to overcome the limitations of spinning pinhole-disc techniques. This delivers the highest light efficiency with minimal bleaching and fastest scanning speed. Colocalized imaging is available with both fluorescent and brightfield illumination. Also, SW DDIC (Digital Differential Interference Contrast) is used to ensure low-contrast brightfield visualization.
Unique speed-up technologies
Technologies to increase scanning speed include darkfield and fluorescent preview, a Lumencor LED light engine for highest possible illumination, a scientific SCMOS camera combining high sensitivity and low noise to ensure short exposure times as well as an automated water immersion system for high NA objective. These solutions ensure a scanning speed up to 20 times faster than scanners using the spinning disc technology.