SlideCenter (former CaseCenter) is a powerful, server-based slide management system with a fully featured slide database capable of storing both macroscopic images and digital slides. Thanks to its flexible structure, it can be adapted to several fields, including various research applications and medical education.
SlideCenter is a flexible, distributed server system: more servers can easily be added for enhanced data security and storage requirements.
Licensing is performed on the server side: SlideCenter regulates the number of users who can access the server at any time. Five user types can be defined: Administrator user, Moderator user, Normal user, Restricted user and Public Share user.
HUB: PostgreSQL database – object-relational database management system
Service Unit (SU): slide storage
Key Features
Automatic slide alignment
Automatic and rapid alignment of series of sections even with different stainings. It is not necessary to rotate digital slides manually.
Virtual Slide and VirtualTray
All slides of a case are represented in one view by one single click for faster case reading and slide comparison. Combine multiple digital slides or regions of interest into one VirtualTray without the need for more storage!
TMA workflow support
from target marking up to the core visualization. Use SlideCenter’s remote slide access for sample designation or TMA slide evaluation: fast, convenient, and easy.