CaseManager is the ultimate tool to access and handle all necessary information of the medical cases / that the medical personnel require. It offers an easy-to-use case and patient management system. The software can collect and list the pathologist’s cases and display the patient’s history, the sample information, and the stages of the laboratory workflow. CaseManager’s pathology case management function offers case priority handling as well as case forwarding when necessary. It supports several types of diagnosis codes (SNOMED T, SNOMED M, ICD). Final reporting with image attachments and digital signatures is also possible.
Key features
Sending special examination request to the laboratory information system
Integration with ClinicalViewer: Patient and staining data from CaseManager is displayed on the top of the viewer’s user interface.
Integration with IVD approved Diagnostic Applications: Results of the automated image analysis are displayed in CaseManager.
Communication with 3DHISTECH’s CentralLogService application to log user and system activity.
Multi-purpose digital pathology workflow support: CaseManager supports the digital pathology workflow with final report in the fields of histopathology, molecular pathology, cytology, and autopsy.
With Focus View, all details of a case are displayed on a single screen. Such details include patient data, additional cases related to the patient, diagnosis codes, digital slides, attachments, and the final report, and more.
DICOM file handling format supported
Slide archiving option to a PACS server