Cobalt chrome-based dental alloy
Over the last thirty years, as the cost of gold has risen, precious alloys have gradually been replaced by non-precious alloys, such as cobalt and chromium based alloys, without reducing the quality of prosthetic restorations. In particular, these types of alloys have been significantly improved by lowering the vicker hardness while maintaining a high resistance to corrosion. The 88 line of alloys are extremely suitable for dental restorations and CAD/CAM processing.The NP7 discs are characterized by a high micro-structural homogeneity that allows to obtain repeatable results during the milling process. The NP7 alloy does not oxidize during heat treatments, improves the precision of machining and optimizes the bond with the ceramic. Furthermore, it is not susceptible to procedural errors such as contamination of external particles and distortions in structures caused by thermal stress.
It is highly resistant to corrosion and can be laser-treated.