Combines contemporary styling with robust construction
Contemporary, versatile, strong
The A-dec 400 dental chair combines robust construction, contemporary styling, and left/right versatility with a Radius delivery system.
Comfort for your patients
Put your patients at ease. The virtual pivot synchronizes movement with the natural motion of the patient. The toeboard tilt provides the patient with comfortable lower leg support. Together, they create a cradling effect for the patient.
Ergonomic design
The key to productivity and career longevity is remaining comfortable while you work. This is why A-dec 400 is designed to keep your movement fluid and ergonomically aligned.
Left/right versatility
The Radius delivery systems, cuspidor, and assistant's instrumentation quickly and easily rotate around the chair for complete left/right versatility.
A-dec 400 dental chair upholstery
What's your color? A-dec offers an array of choices in formed or sewn upholsteries to create an environment that reflects your style.
Ultra-thin, flexible backrest
Enables you to tuck your knees underthe chair, providing ergonomie access to the oral cavity.
Dual-articulating, gliding headrest
Adjusts easily for optimal patient positioning. Available in locking knob and lever release styles.