Bickford Omnicon F/AIR: A sensible answer to anesthesia gas problems in the operating room, the F/AIR anesthesia gas filter was specifically designed to remove waste anesthesia gases such as ISOFLURANE, HALOTHANE, ENFLURANE, etc. from the operating room environment.
Height ……………………………………………………………….6 inches
Weight of Active Components…………………………….200 grams
Diameter…………………………………………………………….3 1/4 inches
Connector, outside diameter……………………………….7⁄ 8 inches male
Adsorption Capacity
*Carbon Tetrachloride Activity, weight increase….60%
**Halogenated Gas Retentivity…………………………….50 grams
Ready to use
Minimal storage
Compact size
No Maintenance
Adsorbent Surface Area…………………200,000 m3/grams
Particle Size, Average, U.S. sieve……6 + 16
Average Density……………………………48 grams/cc
Void Volume…………………………………40%
Pressure Drop (psi)……………………….<0.1
Average Life…………………………………12-15 hours
Electrical Properties………………………Non-conductive