RSV Molecular Test Now CLIA Waived.
ID NOW™ RSV delivers molecular RSV results in 13 minutes or less on our unique ID NOW™ platform. Traditional laboratory methods and rapid antigen testing for RSV diagnosis have considerable shortcomings in terms of turnaround time or performance.1,2 ID NOW™ RSV detects 25% more true positives than Rapid Antigen Detection Tests (RADTs)3,4 and allows you to make real-time clinical decisions which impact patient care.
Now CLIA Waived
25% more true positives than RADTs3,4
Offers exceptional performance
Early call for positive results
Gives you the confidence to make clinical decisions sooner
Eliminates interpretation and transcription errors
Enables prompt initiation of infection control measures
Facilitates effective patient management
Small footprint enables ease of use in any healthcare setting
Effective tool for Antimicrobial Stewardship initiatives