Supporting elderly people with Mild Cognitive Impairment is key to helping them lead independent lives for longer. This is a labour-intensive proces. RAMCIP (Robotic Assistant for MCI Patients at home) is a three-year research project funded by the European Commision under the HORIZON2020 programme, which starts in January 2015 to tackle this problem. The Information Technologies Institute (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas) is the coordinator of the project RAMCIP, which is going to research and develop a novel robot that can provide proactive and discreet assistance to elderly people with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) in their own home, to support their independent living and quality of life.
The RAMCIP vision includes service robots for assisted living environments that can provide safe, proactive and discreet assistance in the significant aspects of the user’s daily life, ranging from food preparation, eating and dressing activities, through to managing the home and keeping it secure. At the same time, the robot should help the user maintain a positive outlooks and also to exercise their cognitive and physical skills. Excitingly, RAMCIP will work towards future robots which help the users to perform exercise as part of their assistive work, thus embedding exercise in their daily behaviour.