Our ULUF upright freezers feature our single compresser System with direct
cooling for higher température uniformity and excellent température stability. The
ULUF -86°C sériés is the optimal solution for any long-term storage application.
By placing the compressor and other heat and noise generating components on the
top of the unit, the heat is distributed upwards and backwards. preventing the
heat from warming up the entire room. This design also means that there is never a compartment. in which it would be difficult to locate your samples nor using fully. This
ail works to ensure an ergonomically correct unit that is easy and pleasant to use.
• Single Compressor Technology with a simple structure ensuring easy
maintenance, lower heat dissipation, low energy consumptlon end noise réduction for a pleasant work environment.
• Direct cooling for optimized température stability and uniformity, even with multiple door openmgs
• Heated vacuum release valve ensures that the doors can always open, maklng
the unit perfect for an active work environment.
• Insulated inner doors mimmlze cold loss during door openings.
• Heated door frame preventing ice from building up around the gasket securing a stable and uniform température inside the freezer.