The ULUF undercounter compact models will add a new dimension to your laboratory. The compact space-saving design and low noise level make it a perfect storage solution for your
The ULUF -86°C sériés is produced with true and original single compressor technology, which secures outstanding cooling performance with only on ecompressor.
• Compact space savmg design makes the undercounter ULT's the perfect storage solution for laboratories v/ith limited space.
• Single Compressor Technology with a simple structure that ensures easy maintenance, lower heat dissipation, low energy consumption and noise réduction for a pleasant v/ork environment.
• Direct coollng for optimlzed température stablllty and unlformity. even with multiple door openlngs.
• Heated door frame preventing ice from building up around the gasket securing a stable and uniform température inside the freezer.
• Perfect for a laboratory or workstation where you want to work uninterrupted without going back and forth to your storage area.