The one way plastic cartridge used for the EUROPCLIP is holding six single
EUROPCLIP clips. This is a high advantage against the competitive products, which come with 10 or even more clips, as the waste of clips is lower or even not given.
Each EUROPCLIP cartridge is equipped with a sticky tape on the back side, so that it can be easily fixed to any surface.
Each cartridge is packed separately into a sterile pack.
All loaded cartridges undergo gamma sterilization before individual packing.
easy and convenient:
soft loading system
sticky tape at the back of the cartridge
safe and up-to-date:
the chevron shape facilitates the save
„tip-first“ closing action
serrated inner surface and heart shaped
cross-section of the clips allow secure closing
solid titanium gives a scatter-free CT
image and an MRI compatibility
No slipping or tilting of the clip in the clip applier by incorrect leading in the magazine
Resilient support also by usage with defect clip appliers
Loading without resistance
New ergonomic design
Precise clip taking
Usable with normal Ackermann clip appliers and clip applicators
Exact guidance of the clip during clip applier closing
sterile clips
sterile packed clips in a peel pack