This device is designed to create and maintain a pneumoperitoneum (distension of the abdomen with CO2 gas) as part of a diagnostic and/or laparoscopic operative procedure.
Please refer to your laparoscope user manual for information on specific use.
This manual is only designed to assist the user with proper installation, set up and operation of the insufflaor.
Federal Law in the United States restricts the use of this device solely to, or under the supervision of, a surgeon
The device should only be used for an endoscopic procedure when insufflation of the abdomen is necessary to faciliate navigation of the endoscope. Please refer to your laparoscope user manual for absolute and relative contraindications.
This device is contraindicated for hysteroscopic insufflation; under no circumstances must it be used in cases of intrauterine distension.
Note: the distension pressure of an insufflator for laparoscopy must not exceed 24 mmHg
►Inbuilt gas pre-heating system
►Externat desufflation valve to avoid cross-contamination
►Pressure controlled insufflation
►Large display showing ail the important measures during opération
►Bottle pressure monitoring
►Adjustment and pre-selection possibilités