Acmas Technocracy class 3 table top biosafety solutions are fabricated to provide protection from diverse types of bio hazardous material. These advanced mobile biosafety clean benches table top 3 equipments essentially have a HEPA filter, a Pre-filter and a Blower with an enclosure to house all these and a work area where the critical operation takes place. Weiber offers excellent airflow calibration within the table top 3 biosafety clean bench. We are counted amidst the prominent manufacturers/ developers, distributors/suppliers, engineers/service providers and exporters of superior range of air showers.
The internationally recognized for research and development offers an adaptive ergonomic design, combined with a unique airflow management system and proven containment technology. The innovative and elegant design provides the Biosafety class III table top advance with a high performance requiring the minimum room space. Furthermore the reduced air ways in the plenum combined with microprocessor control panel, maintains constant airflow during normal filter loading. Weiber customized BSC provides protection to personnel, product and environment from both low & moderate dangerous pathogens. It offers important applications in bacterial and virus handling.