Potential Benefits : The Pounding Massager is ideal to use prior to or immediately after any other body treatment programs. It is safe efficient and cost effective. It provides an effective soft tissue manipulation. Potential benefits include Effective therapeutic action, Expands treatment options, Easy to use, Portable and Convenient, Increases soft tissue manipulation, Ergonomically designed, Provides continuity of touch and pressure, Decreases treatment time, Relaxes and invigorated the mind and body, Revitalizes and stimulates the muscles , Comfortable and soothing, Increases rate of recovery, Decreases rehabilitation
The Pounding Massager gives you a more concentrated massage resulting in greater soft tissue manipulation. It has been proven to be able to penetrate down into the deep and soft muscle tissue, which is normally only reached after hours of intensive hands-on massage. The massage points move the muscle more frequently and consistently with less friction than hand massage, enhancing the continuity of massage.
1 lbs