“MOLgen Internal Control Sample Kit” is an assay kit designed for control of nucleic acids (NA) extraction efficiency and the absence of PCR inhibitors in specimens.
"MOLgen Internal Control Sample Kit” is designed for control of nucleic acids (NA) extraction efficiency and the absence of PCR inhibitors in specimens when combining the kits of “MOLgen” series intended for NA detection with NA extraction kits that do not belong to “MOLgen” series.
Application—clinical laboratory diagnostics.
The kit is intended for analysis of 192 specimens (6 vials for 32 assays each).
Principle Of Method
The extraction of nucleic acids from the specimens is performed together with preliminarily added Internal Control sample (IC) with subsequent amplification of selected DNA fragments and the detection of PCR products in real-time.
The use of IC prevents generation of false negative results associated with possible loss of NA during specimen preparation and indicates whether PCR inhibitors are present in the reaction mixture. IC should be added to each specimen (including control samples) prior to NA extraction procedure. The amplification and detection of IC does not influence neither sensitivity nor specificity of the target DNA PCR.
Kit Components
Recovery Solution for Control samples (RSC) 2 vials, 4 mL each
Number of tests 192