CYTOFlex™ HYPO catalog number 554316 is a hypotonic sodium citrate solution with a 0.014M (0.4% w/v) concentration and pH in the range of 7.5 to 8.5. It comes packaged in convenient 1.4L bags.
Convenient operation
Time savings
Consistency and stability
Ready to use
Safety and handling
Fully integrated with your HANABI Harvester
Environmentally friendly packaging
Hypotonic allows cells to take up water (H2O) through osmosis. This swells the cells to provide better dispersal of the chromosomes at time of spreading. The osmosis is accomplished by setting up a concentration gradient between the cytoplasm of the cell and the hypotonic solution surrounding the cells.
The rate of osmosis is dependent on the composition of hypotonic reagent, its concentration in the hypotonic solution, the time of exposure and the solution temperature. Higher temperature or increased time in hypotonic can lead to excessive swelling leading to cell breakage and overspreading of the chromosomes. Decreased temperature and/or decreased time can lead to under-spread chromosomes (too “tight” chromosomes).
From dilute balanced salt solutions or mixtures, a ratio of potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium citrate, to dilute media, and distilled water, there are several types of hypotonic solution that are utilized by laboratories.