AELAB's high quality UV Transilluminators are designed for viewing DNA/RNA in agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide(EB) or other dyes. Transparent hinged cover, with UV-blocking material to protect users from exposure to hazardous UV radiation, is mounted by slip-hinges for easy removal and replacement. These 302nm or 365nm UV lamps produce even distribution at the filter surface for better identification and documentation of viewed gels. The 302nm UV induces high fluorescence and sensitivity in ethidium bromide/DNA complexes producing sharp, distinct bands. At this wavelength, photo-nicking, dimerization and photo-bleaching to gels are minimized. Unsurpassed UV intensity and outstanding irradiance uniformity enable visualization of even trace amounts of DNA. Airproof frame reduces the chance of gel damage or contamination.
+ Unique UV protective glass can be adjusted to the operator's visual angle and fixed providing better UV protection.
+ There are different models for you to choose, single/dual wavelength, single/variable intensity, UV/dual-light. The UV wavelength 302 nm or 365nm are selectable according to users’ needs. Different wavelength-selectable fit for different DNA dyes, such as SYBR-Green, SYPRO Orange. Also different wavelength for different experimental purpose: 302nm for detection and analysis of EB stained DNA/RNA, 365nm for gel incision or DNA preparation.
+ Dual-light Transilluminator provides two 20cm×20cm work surfaces. White light filter surface is designed for coomassie blue stained protein gels, methylene blue stained DNA gels, silver stained protein gels, autoradiographies, and microtiter plates.