AEROLITE produces modular, all-in-one seating for HEMS attendants, observer/instructors, combi seat (for co-pilot, attendant or hoist operator) and cabin seats.
Characteristics of basic seat:
energy absorbing design - System Fischer; forward/rear-facing;
MS33601A seat track mounting; recline fixed at four settings;
adjustable headrest; inertia reel four-point harness; and detachable upholstery.
swiveling and sliding unit; adaptor for fixed seat to increase SRP
height by 25cm; panel mount fittings; quick-release track fittings (MS33601A); adjustable recline; manual harness lock/unlock; combi-seat kit tailored to individual helicopter; and custom finish.
Attributes - Applications:
EMS seating height: various SRP heights; weight: 10 kg basic seat