The AID bacSpot Robot is an automated Colony Counter, designed for microbiological laboratories which need to screen and analyze a huge amount of bacterial colonies and other organisms such as virus plaques, mold and yeast on different kinds of agar plates.
The AID bacSpot Robot is suitable for high throughput analysis of 60 mm or 90 mm Petri dishes. The system takes up to 100 plates in one run.
Various algorithms for special counting needs (e.g. Staphylococcus counting mode) are implemented.
The AID bacSpot Robot is equipped with a user friendly, intuitive Colony Counting Software which allows to analyze plates either fully automated or in a manually way. In addition a Zone Sizing Software module is available (e.g. antibiotic resistance testing).
-Fully automated system
-Up to 100 plates per run
-Separation of negative and positive plates according to user-defined counting thresholds
-High resolution images with a firewire connected digital camera
-Transmitted and reflected long life LED illumination
-Controlled by a high-end PC
-Data export to Excel, LIMS, .txt-files