For ultimate flexibility, the Air Sentry air purifier comes in two variations:
the Air Sentry Mobile unit and the Air Sentry Wall unit.
It is more accurate to describe these units as an air management system that uses Ultra clean recirculation as a core module.
This makes it effective against all known airborne pathogens (including coronavirus), air pollution and also chemical exposure, including biological hazards such as toxic and weaponised gases.
The filter material and design philosophy we use is based on the ULPA 15 standard, yet we certify at HEPA 14. Why?
ULPA 15 testing comes at a very high unit cost and this would need to be passed-on to customers. For this reason we routinely downgrade our certification to HEPA 14 to reduce cost, given it is the most commonly specified standard customers require.
We can offer the same filter graded to ULPA 15 and can quote the additional cost on request.
The system, shown here in an isolated room, generates a slow moving, whole room air current. This flow is core to the design of our air cleaners and helps prevent larger particles from settling on surfaces, reducing touch transmission of diseases.
This slow-moving flow ‘pulls’ air down across the entire room, including corner areas, which can be a problem for existing HVAC systems, especially where ventilation systems have inlets and out-lets which are solely ceiling mounted.
This ‘whole room’ approach means a very high grade of air mixing occurs during the process, creating exceptional dilution.
Air quality of an ISO level 7 clean room is normally achieved.