NIRVA 13 has an ergonomy and comfort all in one. Nirva 13 is a comfortable, ergonomic solution to practitioners' work.
Impression Comfort: The impression of comfort is magnified by the fact of not having to look for the foot control, since it is incorporated into the base of the Nirva 13.
Automatic Blockage: Automatic blockage of the chair's rotation when giving care makes the practitioner hold his lumbar in the right position.
Good Opening: The quite good opening between the cardio pulmonary axis and the pelvis axis makes it possible to work with your shoulders lower and wit the forearms positioned horizontally when working in the mouth.
Overhanging Position: The overhanging position of the working area makes it possible to work in direct vision of the maxillary, even when the practitioner is operating in the 1200 o'clock position.
Height Higher: Eye height is 20 cm higher than on a conventional chair.