The Airnergy-Set converts and enhances the atmospheric oxygen to a high-energy state, providing an even stronger flow of energy to the user through inhalation. A further component of this set is the Stream HS which is used to treat the body’s cells locally and also externally it provides a valuable regeneration through dermovital therapy.
AMD is definitively regarded as widespread disease. Only a few therapies promise symptom relief - unfortunately often with side effects or consequential damages. The Spirovital therapy of Airnergy is different: activation of the self-healing forces. The treatment successes with those affected people who suffer from macular degeneration are promising and catch the medical community’s attention.
In particular, the eye has got a high oxygen consumption by its strong metabolism. At the beginning of a macular degeneration exactly this is problematic: It gets less oxygen to its destination, the blood flow is disturbed and thus there is no prerequisite for optimal repair- and regeneration conditions. Free oxygen radicals can no longer be disposed sufficiently.
This is where Airnergy comes in: the oxygen is processed in a single set based on the model of photosynthesis. Breathing Airnergy regularly by means of a slight nasal cannula or breathing headset, this procedure gives the eye a better metabolism. The Airnergy Spirovital therapy helps the eye to activate its self-healing powers again. Damaging oxygen radicals is counteracted. Symptoms such shadowing can be reduced by breathing with Airnergy.
Airnergy Spirovitalisation have shown that those measures could lead to stop a progressive macular degeneration and to initiate a regeneration.