Airnergy LA - the small and fine forest air generator - so named because it transmits the energy of the healthy forest air, contains for the first time the new Airnergy dual catalyst technology and complements the vitalizer family of traditional Airnergy models, which are still very popular internationally are in demand. The "L.A." was designed at an extremely affordable price for universal use.
Of course, the "Little Atmos" also has the proven quality of all Airnergy vitalizers.
Airnergy Stream - the stream is used for dermovitalization. This means "vitalization of the cells via the skin". The "radiation" of the Airnergy Stream is used to treat physical pain of all kinds. With a special catalyst technology, natural photosynthesis is imitated and active oxygen is released, which stimulates the body's own cell regeneration. The stream is simply placed on the affected part of the body (no skin contact necessary! - also possible through clothing and bandages). Due to the simple handling, incorrect operation is virtually impossible and long training courses are unnecessary.