NOVA® is a cosy special needs stroller for people with locomotor disabilities. It is especially recommended for spastic users as well as those requiring additional stabilization. The deep seat provides a comfortable position in the stroller, which helps to correct posture defects and significantly prevents their deepening.
Numerous adjustments and a wide range of the accessories make it possible to adapt the stroller to the individual needs of the user. An adjustable footrest and the 3-step tilt-in-space function of the seat enable the users to travel in a comfortable position.
The stroller is easy to drive on both flat and uneven terrain. Thanks to its simple and lightweight design, the NOVA® stroller can be easily folded for transportation. It takes up little space in the trunk due to its compact dimensions. The construction of the stroller allows you to adjust the distance between the wheel axles. They can be mounted widely to increase the stability of the stroller, or narrowly to increase the maneuverability.
The stroller is available in 3 sizes.
Stable structure
The device ensures adequate stability and safety of user.