Bring proven precision and safety to every cataract procedure with the LenSx® Laser, featuring ASCEND™ Technology — the market leading femtosecond platform.
More precise, reproducible and reliable capsulotomies
More accurate, more efficient, and less damaging self-sealing cataract incision in terms of architecture, size and geometry
Less variability of anterior chamber depth with more stable post-op refraction
Get it right the first time
98.6 % of anterior capsulotomies achieved without manual separation of residual tags
97.6% of corneal incisions could be opened by a blunt spatula
99.5% of fragmentations required no additional segmentation after the laser procedure
The SoftFit® Patient Interface – Experience greater precision with the hydrogel lens insert of the LenSx® Laser.
Connectivity with the VERION® Digital Marker, LenSx® delivers a new level of certainty and efficiency.
Proven Efficiency
Built for performance, built for speed
Customize your approach to each patient with versatile fragmentation.
LenSx® empowers efficient treatment for a variety of lens densities9 and significantly reduces phaco time and energy
On average, laser cataract patients spend less time in the OR
Per patient, significant time savings were observed in the following categories
<2 minutes total time for patients under suction in cataract procedures
As strong as manual LenSx® capsulotomy integrity
<0.1% capsular tear rate with SoftFit® Patient Interface
Superior endothelial cell retention at 1 and 3 months
Low rate of YAG capsulotomies
Improved central corneal thickness at Day 1 for quieter eyes