The four main components for air compressors of the Giano series are: Piston, Cylinder, Motor and Valves.
The Piston, of the “Rocking Piston”-type , is composed of a sliding segment inside a cylinder and is mounted on a pillow
block through a hardened, self-tapping screw. The connecting rod is mounted on a pillow block which is lubricated for life
with a special grease for utilization with high temperatures.
The Cylinder is die-cast, with a brass barrel embedded in the casting, which is worked during mechanical resumption
The Motor utilizes a high-performance cooling system of forced air induction, and is insulated in compliance with European
and U.S. specifications. The body of the air compressor and the electric motor casing form one single unit. The
fastening flanges are made of die-cast aluminum alloy.
The Valves are an exclusive design by AlconAir, in special Sandvik stainless steel for valves. The valvular plate is made of
die-cast aluminum, and upon request it can be anodized to guarantee a total absence of corrosion.
These air compressors are fitted with an exclusive patented system of an air intake filter on silencer, which makes them
makes them stand out from others for their silence during operation. The units are equipped with anchoring feet made
of die-cast aluminum alloy. The air compressor may also be supplied in a soundproof cabinet, with a pressure switch and
accessories and with or without compensation tank