One-step test
Kit includes ail necessary components
Internai Controls included
Room temperature storage
Ease of use and less potential for procedural errors
Test and Results at the same time
Easy to use and discard
Ready to use, no need for additional equipment
Confidence in results due to confirmation of test strip functional
No need for refrigeration or waittimes for reagents to warm up. Tests
can be run immediately as needed.
Kit storage conditions - Room temperature (15°C to 30°C/59°F to 86°F)
Internal controls - Included
External controls - Commercially available
Sensitivity - varies by analyte
Accuracy - >95.9%
Shelf life - 18 months from date of manufacture
Instant-view® Lateral Flow Test
Lateral flow assays have provided a very useful tool for three decades. Use of the technology is widespread and has proven an inexpensive way to screen, qualitatively and semi-quantitatively, in point-of-care environments. Lateral flow tests are used for medical diagnostics and detect the presence or absence of a target analyte in a sample matrix without the need for additional specialized and expensive medical equipment. The tests are utilized either for at-home-testing, point-of-care testing, or in clinical laboratories, depending on the tests regulatory clearances.
Throughout over 20-year history, ALFA has fine-tuned our manufacturing capabilities to a level that ensures the highest quality of lateral flow test output. All products are produced in the USA. ALFA's Instant-view® lateral flow tests stand for quality our customers have come to rely on and trust.