Robust and light weight Anesthesia Work Station easy to maneuver with 5.7” TFT screen and single vaporizer
Tidal Volume 50ml - 1500ml
Ventilation Modes VCV, PCV, Manual, Standby
Drive Modes Pneumatically driven, Electronically controlled
Gauges 3-Oxygen, 3-Nitrogen, 1-Air
Display 5.7” Colour TFT
Battery Backup 120 minutes
Pressure Values : Ppeak, Prate, Pmean, Pmin, PEEP
Volume / flow value : VTI, VTE, MV, MVSPONT, Ftotal, fspan, Rinsp, Cdyn I:E (4:1 ~ 1:8), FiO2
Optional : SpO2 & EtCO2
MV, Pressure, VTE, Rate, FiO2
Mains failure, Low battery
Battery discharge, O2 supply failure, Apnea
O2 Fail safe
Hypoxic mixture fail safe
Two interlocked vaporizer
Poor fill
Basal flow
Gas Supply
O2, N2O, Air
Gas Pressure
O2 : 0.25Mpa ~ 0.65Mpa
N2O : 0.25Mpa ~ 0.65Mpa
Air : 0.25Mpa ~ 0.65Mpa
Flow Meter
Five tube flow meter Bobbin type
O2 tube : 0.1L/min ~ 1L/max, 1L/min 10L/max
N2O tube : 0.1L/min~1L/max, 1L/min 12/L/max
Air tube : 0.1L/min ~ 15L/min
O2 and N2O Linkage device, Hypoxy guard
Oxygen Flush
25L/min ~ 75L/min
Battery discharged, O2 supply features, Apnea, Circuit occlusion
Rust proof epoxy coated high strength frame / metal reinforced fiber frame (optional)
2 big drawers
Pipeline attachment for O2, N2O, Air
Yoke-2 each for O2, N2O
Selectatec bar support, 2 interlocked vaporizers - Halothane / Isoflurane / Sevoflurane
Power Requirement
220V/110V, 50/60 Hz, Single Phase, Independent Earthing