Allengers - Altima uses state-of-the-art digital technology for superb performance, improved reliability, ease of use to meet the expectations of cardiologists to give a single solution for cardiac and vascular imaging.
Special Features:
Detector size 20 x 20 cm / 30 x 30 cm.
1K x 1K 1.5K x 1.5K resolution & High DQE of detector.
55” high resolution, high luminous coloured monitor with multiple display options.
Distortion free imaging.
Motorized rotation and up / down movement of detector.
80 KW / 100 KW dual invertor based generator.
Liquid metal tube for toughest clinical demands.
Online Digital Subtraction Angiography.
ASSURE Protocols for radiation protection.
Live stent view (optional).
Integration / Interfacing of FFR / IVUS & OCT (optional).