Allengers – PHOTON F65 / PHOTON F80 Mobile Cath Labs are having advanced high-definition digital image acquisition, processing, and review system encompassing multiple applications in one system. Dedicated to improving the quality of life by providing state-of-the-art cardiology services, on Allengers Photon series, one can perform heart catherizations and peripheral vascular imaging.
Special Features:
Detector size 20 x 20 cm / 30 x 30 cm.
1K x 1K / 1.5K x 1.5K resolution & High DQE of detector.
55” high resolution, high luminous coloured monitor with multiple display
options / medical grade monitor.
Distortion free imaging.
Motorized rotation and up / down movement of detector available.
Rotational Angiography available.
Online Digital Subtraction Angiography.
Stent view (standard) and Stent fade in fade out (optional) feature.
More angles in LAO / RAO (-120° to +120° ).
Option for Longer cathlab table for head to toe coverage.
Integration / Interfacing of FFR / IVUS & OCT (optional).
Live stent view (optional).
#Also Available with Fixed Table