Anker mini implant system simplifies surgical procedure, benefits each dentist and each patient.
Abutment Design
Innovative design to adapt the height of gingival for better aesthetics .
Surface Treatment
Impant surface treatment is S.L.A. , which increase the roughness of the surface and promote BIC.
Tread Design
The thread design makes it easy to place and allows immediate loading because the thread is also design for stability in bone.
Anker Mini Implant System simplifies surgical process which benefits both the dentists and patients. Our mini series are designed not only to achieve better aesthetic outcome for the patients, but also better stability in bone and BIC (Bone to Implant Contact). It comes with its own surgical kit which allows dentists to master the art of implantalogy to the next level.
With a straight forward drilling sequence and procedure, surgeon dentists can offer an efficient treatment solution to patients with different possibilities. Whether it is for a single crown treatment, or denture treatment, dentists can choose which treatment fits best for its patients.
Customization Design Lab