Easy-glide synthetic fibre board for user transfer. It is designed to be easily transportable, in fact it is only 4 millimetres
thick and has a handle hole. The BUFFALO 150 board is brightly coloured and has a double notch for greater stability
and to ensure maximum safety during transfer. The composite fibre ensures high resistance and avoids harmful chipping of
the surface which occurs over time with other materials. EC certified, class I medical device, made in Italy, registered
The BUFFALO 150 board is an aid characterised by flexibility and versatility of use. It can be easily used for small
transfers in any indoor environment, for example in the bedroom, living room, kitchen or bathroom; for moving from the
wheelchair to the couch, bed, chair or toilet (and vice versa). Outdoors the board, which can be easily transported
thanks to its compact dimensions and light weight, is used for movements in cars (getting into and out of the vehicle) or on
benches, chairs or seats in public places.
Why is it so thin?
Because it has to pass under the buttocks/legs of the user.
And some users are not able to lift those parts of their body more than a few cm or mm.
Why is it so smooth/slippery?
Because in this way the user can slide easily from one end to the other.
Why is it slightly flexible?
Because the user might have to use it to move between two objects at a different height (for example from toilet to wheelchair, bed to
chair, wheelchair to car) and this offers better comfort.
Why is it shaped like a banana?
Because this allows a dual support (where the user transfer begins and where it ends) and also allows a semi-circular movement.