Atention record that includes identification and classification of the patient and dinical examinations. Barcode management for the identification and traceability of samples as well as for intégration with analyzers.
Collection and Vérification of Samples that includes date, time and person responsible as well as reason for rejection and corrective actions to be taken.
Issuance of worksheets by test area pending registration to facilitate batch processing of samples, input of results and subséquent download to the System.
Results Registration and Validation that includes alerts of pathological results, emergency alert, alert of exam sample not collected, alert of rejected exams, visualization of reference ranges, symptoms or observations obtained from the patient at the time of care, historical consultations for support the process of validation or rejection of results.
Printing Graphical Results History of any quantifiable exam to control the behavior of the test during a period of time and printing of Columnar History of Results of any quantifiable or qualitative exam of a period of time.
Analytical Quality Control with alerts according to Westgard rules and Levey Jennings graphs.
Ability to integrate with email services to speed up the delivery of results.
Interconnection with laboratory equipment to speed up the capture of results and minimize typing errors.Interconnection with Systems such as hospitals, clinics, accounting or others to optimize work wîth other areas of the organization.