The technology used is based on the use of “active chlorine” obtained from hypochlorous acid and having a virucidal, bactericidal, yeasticidal and antifungal character. Hypochlorous acid is obtained from the electrolysis of an aqueous solution containing mineral salts. This hypochlorous acid synthesis device used by MEDIAIR by Luxhyconfort is patented. The innovation lies in the use of an innovative electrolysis cell and ultra-pure water for the synthesis of hypochlorous acid, thus giving it very good efficiency and significant storage stability.
Advantages of MEDIAIR by Luxyconfort solutions: efficiency in terms of disinfection, ready-to-use solutions with high storage stability, ultrasonic diffusers produce a fine mist of particles of our solution with a size of 1 to 3 microns. The particles evaporate in the room by extracting the evaporation energy from the surrounding air. No drop formation occurs and objects in the room are not wetted. Ultrasonic diffusers are energy efficient, react immediately (no warm-up time) and are silent.
Indoor air quality is a public health issue in many countries, of which the population is increasingly aware. Indeed, the indoor environment offers a wide variety of situations of exposure to numerous physical agents and chemical or microbiological contaminants, the consequences of which on health vary in particular according to the nature of the pollutants, the characteristics of the exposures, etc.