The NextDent 5100 for Ceramill dental 3D printer allows you to print dental materials efficiently and in the highest quality.
Together, 3D Systems and Amann Girrbach have created a unique system solution for the dental market. The combination of the Ceramill workflow with the NextDent 5100 3D printer and the associated 3D Sprint software solution offers you a plug & play system solution with comprehensive software access for your work in the laboratory. The revolutionary Figure 4™ technology and the oxygen-permeable membrane in the material tray ensure optimum restoration results with enormous time savings in the laboratory. For the perfect dental workflow!
Low pull-off forces
The low pull-off forces between the membrane and the construction platform ensure a distortion-free printing process and excellent results. A gentle separation process enables the use of filigree support structures, which can not only be separated easily and without tools in the post-processing process, but also in a time-saving manner.
Absolutely simple one-handed operation
The integrated color display can also be operated by you with gloves. Both the construction platform and the material tray are easily accessible and user-friendly during application.
Safety and time savings
The automatic transfer of design data in combination with an intelligent nesting concept offer maximum suppport in the dental workflow. The entire production and post-processing procedure is designed intuitively and reduced to just a few steps in everyday laboratory routine. For maximum efficiency with minimum expenditure of time.