In a test from 3 differing distances away, only the Monet delivers consistent curing throughout an entire bulk fill. LED curing, at the same amount of cure time (3 seconds), is inconsistent and may result in partially cured material and prolonged exposure of the dentin and oral soft tissues. unnecessarily.
Prolonged exposure to unnecessary surface area may result in patient discomfort. The Monet concentrates light to reach the full filling, rather than spilling non-penetrating light to the soft tissues.
Laser provides consistent energy at any distance. There is consistency across the beam. There are no weak spots from dispersion, nor hot spots.
Monet has the potential to turn virtually any composite into a bulk fill material.
3-second cure
5–8mm depth
Monet is easy and convenient to use. It provides Coherent and Consistent beam intensity, helping it provide efficient curing of up to 8mm in only 3 seconds.
Key Technology Innovations
Compact Laser Module to fit the form-factor
Optics for parallel beam within the form factor
Unrestricted rotatable head mechanism
Convenient battery attachment mechanism