Long-term, adjustable implant
Hydraulic system with no mechanical parts
Innovative, anatomical 4-point fixation
Scrotal Port
Hydraulic system substitutes urinary sphincter function in incontinent males
The system is siutable for all degrees of urinary incontinence, and can also be used after radiotherapy.
The suburethral substitute sphincter cushion
is the central part of the implant and filled via the port-catheter connection after the operation. Patient-specific adjustment requires no surgical intervention and can be made at any time to counteract either continuing incontinence or urinary retention.
ensures a gentle, evenly-distributed pressure on the bulbospongiosus muscle to reduce the risk of urethral erosion. There is no specific point of maximum compression on the urethra.
4-Point-fixation The integrated mesh arms are drawn back around to the middle of the implant to secure the system in place. This eliminates the need for additional fasteners or screws, and ensures a symmetrical 4-point fixation. The flexibility… Effective treatment for mild to severe stress urinary incontinence. …and the patient friendliness Patients can urinate freely without having to activate a mechanical component. This means the ATOMS System is also suitable for patients suffering from dementia, or whose cognitive skills may be expected to regress over time. Patients with joint pain (e.g. gout) also benefit from not having to operate the system manually
ATOMS is made up entirely of components that function hydraulically. Patients are therefore spared the difficulties caused by defects which may occur in mechanical components months or years after the implantation