A handheld screening tympanometer with a custom designed docking station for both instrument charging and test data transfer within a busy clinical setting.
Intuitive and with the ability to reduce consultation times, it is ideal for audiologists, ENT professionals, paediatric doctors, family practices and clinics who screen difficult-to-test subjects or children with common hearing loss problems.
The Otowave 102-C is intuitive and easy to use with real time on-screen information displayed before, during, and after testing. The device can successfully measure tympanometry and acoustic reflexes with a live tymp display, as well as helping to identify other ear conditions such as a perforated eardrum, otitis media and cholesteatomas.
Key features
Portable, handheld design
226Hz probe tone
Live display
Four ipsilateral reflex frequencies
Pressure range -400 to +200daPa
Fast accurate middle ear measurements
Large LCD graphics display
Programmable ipsilateral reflex tests
Optional portable printer and PC interface
Multiple languages: English, German, French, Spanish,
Portuguese, Italian, Polish and Russian
Data management
With the added benefit of an internal memory function, test results can be printed immediately or saved for future processing using the supplied Amplisuite software. The tympanometer also offers single-click integration to third-party Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems such as Auditbase, NOAH and OtoAccess®. This enables the seamless transfer of results and data, for exceptional workflow efficiency.